Hey 106!
You all have voted for the class outing to be on 19 November, which is THIS THURSDAY. So we need to hurry up and settle down for something, before it is too late for our last full 06 class outing. So here are the different alteratives we have:
1) East Coast (again): It may be a bit boring for some as we have already gone there for our last class outing. But we had fun there, didn't we? So yeah, it is one of the choices.
2) West Coast (not much difference from East Coast): It is almost the same as East Coast, but smaller and has many fun playgrounds. Sumi says there is an age limit of 12, so most of us cannot go and play, even though it is really really fun! (:
3) Rhian's house (we want to make the class outing as memorable for him): Rhian doesn't mind us going there, but according to him, there's nothing much to do there, only a swimming pool and tennis courts. But a class outing is all about the people, not the amount of fun generated alone or in cliques. We need to put a deposit upon booking the function room and barbeque pit. Deposit for function room is $100, while for the barbeque pit, it would be $50. Deposit is where you put your money there to make sure you really use the facilities, and then after that you get back your money. So how about that?
So, you have three choices, East Coast Park, West Coast Park, and Rhian's house. Please post your votes on the tagboard, or if you have big ideas, post a new post. EVERYONE HAS TO VOTE. I hope that everyone can come, it's ok if you are late because of some prize-giving day thing at your primary school due to your excellent PSLE result, I think I'll be late too. (:
SO PEOPLE, VOTE NOW! VOTING TIME CLOSES ON TUESDAY, 17 NOVEMBER, 23:59. Please vote, so that we can have a final full 06 class outing, okay? PLEASE VOTE!
Sarah (Jamie told me to do this. How lazy of her. Tsk tsk.)